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Youtube Tag Extractor Tool

Extract Tags from any videos on Youtube


About YouTube Tag Extractor Tool

YouTube Tag Extractor is a free online tool for video content creators to extract tags from YouTube videos by entering the YouTube URL.

There are numerous video makers who despite making quality content can’t grab the attention of viewers. This is the barrier that can be pushed through with the help of video tags. When you are surfing through Google or YouTube, you must have noticed the platform using autocomplete to ease your browsing experience. It helps users like you and me find videos faster and more efficiently by recommending related keywords while typing in the search query.

Tags are an opportunity to give YouTube and Google information about a video including the video’s topic, category, and more. Using tags (like “Painting tips” or “how to edit a video”) provides YouTube information about the core content. So, it is important to point out related tags that are more general, along with a few specific tags that lead directly to your video and thus ensure more views.

YouTube Tag Extractor finds tags from videos that are able to bring remarkable traffic and you can copy these tags to your video. This way you can make your videos more reachable making it easier for viewers to find.

How to use this Tag Extractor Tool

You can find YouTube Video tags in the following steps:

  1. Get the URL of the YouTube video
  2. Enter the YouTube URL in the text field
  3. Press the button Extract tags from YouTube video
  4. Grab or copy the YouTube video tags

This is the way for you to find viewers that match your ideas.

What are YouTube Video Tags?

Youtube Tags help YouTube’s algorithm better understand what your videos are about and rank them higher in the platform’s search results.

According to the records of Statista, almost 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute! So when you are uploading a video, for your viewers it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack if not served on the right plate. And in this case, YouTube tags are your helpful allies. These tags are keywords or phrases included in your YouTube videos’ description which assist the uploaded videos in reaching their target audience effectively.  

Why are Tags Important

By applying the YouTube tags method properly, you can help the platform grasp the context of your video. Within the stack of uncountable videos, your video is categorized under specific topics in order to help it align with content delivering similar context. This way the chances of your video reaching its target audience are amplified.
Even though the platform claims that video title, thumbnail and description play more of a crucial role for video SEO, studies have shown that keyword-optimized tags also play a significant part in this regard.

Optimize Video Keyword for YouTube SEO

People often fail to grasp the idea of content sustainability on YouTube; achieving success on YouTube isn’t about posting content, rather it is about optimizing content. YouTube SEO is the process of optimizing your digital content (video, playlist, channel etc.) so that the platform likes to show it as a top result for searches of a particular keyword or phrase.

When you ask for tips on bringing traffic to your content, you’d generally be told about assuring quality of your content, knowing your target audience, spending on sponsored advertisements and so on. Yes, these are in fact very important and can act as propellers for optimizing your video. But a very lucrative and viable option is often overlooked which is Optimization of Video Keywords.

  • Using the right keywords in your tags can bring a fortune for your video’s online existence (Generally, it is better considering only using about 10 of the most relevant keywords.)
  • Descriptive titles with suitable keywords make a big difference in YouTube channel traffic
  • A description with appropriate keywords works alongside your video title to draw more people in

How to find your YouTube Video URL?

YouTube URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is basically the web address of your video, playlist, YouTube channel etc. When you need it, there’s already a video URL in the tab ready to be used. Just copy it and use it to your needs. Finding the content URL is a very easy and simple task.

Finding your YouTube Video URL on Desktop-

  1. Find your desired YouTube video on
  2. Click Share below video
  3. Click Copy in dialog


Finding your YouTube Video URL on Mobile-

  1. Launch YouTube app and navigate to your YouTube video
  2. Tap Share below video.
  3. Tap Copy Link in dialog

Now that you have successfully copied the particular URL to your clipboard, you just need to paste it accordingly and our tool will help you to extract relevant tags and your video is ready to sail off.

With our tool’s promised service of generating optimized YouTube tags for SEO, you’re well on your way to making your content gain momentum with increased visibility and ranking. While you keep on optimizing other elements and aspects of the video as well, you’ll be ready to monitor your channel’s growth!